

By Chance (by Teri Dorsey)

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By chance my ship landed on your planet of war
Were your monsters and giants trampled the fields of luv

You were the soul that chose me to fight beside you in the darkness
Each battle drained blood from the core of my beautiful being

Together we bound the giant and threw him into a pit
Finally your curse was broken and the dragon who sat in front of the sun flew away

Light entered your planet to birth green hills and valleys
The breath of life was forced by dew from God’s tears to nourish and heal

You lived in the old city to plant seeds and renew your mind
I waited for you everyday in a home prepared by angels

As each day passed loneliness grew roots inside my heart
I realized God created me to be an invisible soul erased by war

I knew it was finally time to catch the train to the old city
For the last ship has arrived to fly me back to my planet

I rode threw the memories and counted all my dreams on the way
I remembered the day by chance our eyes met and yu sang me a song

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