

Dove Child spoken word (Click to hear poem live)

Baby to toddler we’re told be quite, don’t move
Lullabies are sung to keep us safe in the groove

We crawl on our bellies and reach for a treat
Guided by tricks that get us up on our feet

Toddler to child we’re told not to do that
We swallow everything with no fear to get fat

Child to teen we run on invincible power
While the clocks hand erases our innocence every hour

Teen to adult we’re poured into a mold
We become a memory, a story to be told

Born again our spirit is revealed
Covered by flesh thats so tightly sealed

Epiphany, our teacher, we’re awakend to our cause
Building our courage we continue without pause

Our song finished, heard by those we luv
We’re a child again with the voice of a dove

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