

Dragon (by Teri Dorsey)

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Dragon spoken word (click to hear poem live)

I was born a women with skin made of silk
My soul drips from my lips with honey and milk

I am dragon with untamed fire
Tempted by the hormones of desire

I am, ‘She’ made to please the, ‘He’, I’m told
bought with words. ‘to have and to hold’

I am made to be nurtured and protected
By the, ‘He’ who is spiritually erected

I am a drive-thru of never ending curves
my breasts wear the sign of one who serves

I am as wise as an owl who can see in the night
where I conquered my fears in the moonlight

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Moon (by Teri Dorsey)

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Curved moon in the star’y distant gateways
Speak to me with your lips oh smiling gaze

I can’t resist your round dreamy light
My wings are aroused and open for flight

Clouds drape across your window to the stars
Were Alien’s gaze at mankind from afar

Your tides move us closer to the truth
Of our creators luv that surround’s the earth



Root (by Teri Dorsey)

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There is nothin left of me today
leaf by leaf the worms have munched me away

The memory of my strength remains
By sticks broken from winds of gusty pains

I am gathered for the fire
Will the heat bring back my soul to inpsire?

Ashes and dust I have become light
With swirls of smoke fading into the night

My soul the root promised sweet release
For my rebirth to rest in heavens peace



She’s a Rainbow

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She comes in colors everywhere;
She combs her hair
She’s like a rainbow
Coming colors in the air
Oh, everywhere
She comes in colors
~Rolling Stones

Artist: Estheryu

“I followed rainbows in the 70s that painted peace and hope to guide my  journey forward. All I had was my bare feet a melodic voice and my long beautiful hair. I floated from place to place on my magic carpet. All yu needed then was a thumb lifted high to get from place to place, There were more flower children and less creatures to devour humans on the path of experience. Smiles were traded for trust and hugs given to keep luv strong.”
(Teri Dorsey)



We My Luv Oh My Luv
Have caused hurt for many years
I am your humble servant broken still healing from past fears
We will always wear luvs jewel that is valuable and  rare
Remember the creator wont give us more than we can bare

Yu My Luv Oh My Luv
Hold me with arms that lift us high
Praise is on my lips as I cry
Our song in the heavens still sung
Vows before God committed to be one

Yu My Luv Oh My Luv
Husband, Gods gift to my life
I long to wear in honor the name Wife
Intertwined we have grow for years a tree strong
No axe in the hand of evil can do us wrong

Yu My Luv Oh My Luv
Bear the burden of my sin
Your gift of grace heals me within
Yu my luv strengthen us with prayer
Release Gods power in despair

Yu My Luv Oh My Luv
Are my Adam on this earth
I created for yu and yu for me before our birth
Our energy and souls have embraced
Only death can separate us from this place

To my life-long love, Teri (by Tim Dorsey)
An open letter to my princess: Since I have been obedient to the voice of the Shepherd, my life with you couldn’t be any better and I couldn’t be any luckier than to have a friend like you. And every day that my eyes open I see the sea of obstacles part as you and I set one foot in front of the other. I just want you to know that here at the 33 year mark I feel younger, stronger and happy to be alive when I look into your wonderful eyes. You are my queen and I love laying my head down next to yours and seeing your gentle sleeping sillouhette every morning. Mother of my children and champion of my art. Open letter, open heart. Let it all pour out upon you, my love.
Yours forever, Tim

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